GOAL January 2023 Virtual Meeting 

The GOAL 2023 Virtual Meeting was hosted on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. The Program Committee* developed a fantastic line-up of topics and speakers, plus a major theme focused on reporting platforms and practices. Selected recordings from the GOAL 2023 Virtual Meeting will be linked below!

  • Welcome, Matthew Avenarius (Ohio State Univ) for the Program Committee
  • Overall Highlights from the GOAL Co-Founders, Jeremy Segal (Univ of Chicago) and Dara Aisner (Univ of Colorado)
  • Hemepath Working Group Updates, Annette Kim (Brigham & Women's Hospital)
  • Novel Applications of Immunoglobin Sequencing, Rena Xian (Johns Hopkins Univ)
  • Concordance Study Updates, Jeremy Segal and Peng Wang (Univ of Chicago)
  • Larger Panels and Clinical Utility, Yulong Fu (Univ of Alabama at Birmingham)
  • Clinical Reporting of Mutational Signatures from Targeted Panel Sequencing, Jonathan Nowak (Brigham & Women's Hospital)
  • Gene-Specific Validation of Copy Number Gains from a MPS Assay, Salvatore Priore (Univ of Pennsylvania)
  • Vendor Showcase - Special discount offerings for GOAL labs!
  • Informatics Working Group Update
    • Better SNP Selection for Allele-Specific CNV Calling, Cyriac Kandoth (UCLA)
    • Tumor Mutational Burden, Chase Rushton (Univ of Pennsylvania)
    • Fusion Detection Using GOAL Capture Probes, Somak Roy (Cincinnati Children's Hospital)
    • Genomic Data Integration into the EHR, Srikar Chamala, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
  • Preparing for a Reporting Practices Survey, Niroshi Senaratne (UCLA), Celeste Eno (Cedars Sinai), Rama Sompallae (Univ of Iowa)
  • Demos of Reporting Platforms:
    • SIMPL, Melissa Tjota (Univ of Chicago)
    • AVA, Thomas Lee (UCLA)
    • FMP, Jaqueline Roth (Univ of Pennsylvania)
    • ANSWER, Jeff Gagan (Univ of Texas Southwestern)
  • What's Next for GOAL? Dara Aisner (Univ of Colorado) and Jeremy Segal (Univ of Chicago), GOAL Co-Founders

Which labs are the GOAL members? Check out the list posted at: www.goalabs.org/labs.

*GOAL 2023 PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Matthew Avenarius (Ohio State), Yulong Fu (UAB), Thomas Lee (UCLA), Jephne Wang (WUSTL), and Peng Wang (Chicago)